Big Ice Box (BIB) is a name chosen for this new product, it allow users just dump articles inside the Ice box without too much thinking, a little hand inside the Ice box will help to pack it nicely together. With this in mind Compose come up with this product to let BIB users to send jobs with an industry standard JDF ticket, allowing BIB to extract from there all the print instructions, and put them into a database for classification. Operator can occasionally look into the database, select all the jobs that will meet a certain print requirement, like printing on a certain media, or look for jobs in equal print runs. Once an instruction is issued, the database will provide a complete list of jobs ready to go into a paper size defined by the user. From there you can imagine what BIB can accomplish automatically; it aims to take the trouble out of the operator’s hands, do it systematically and with full control if necessary.
Another interesting product from us is our new offering is Express Label Print solution, similar to our BIB solution, Label Print also has a Database engine running behind the scenes. Jobs submitted from the front end will go straight into the database; all we have to do is check which one has to print first according to the job ticket.
Label Print will impose multiple labels for continuous label printer, or step and repeat labels for any sheet fed devices, making sure optimization and productivity is the objective for grouping the labels together. Once a layout is determined, we can provide a job file for die cut preparation, a job sheet indicating which are the labels making up this job sheet and where should they go. Express Label Print will serve customers with digital and offset or Flexo printing in mind.
Both applications will run under EWF, a well proven workflow solution from Compose, which provides imposition, Proofing, trapping, job monitoring, Load balancing and many others, all under one roof. Now with BIB come into play, it will unquestionably improve productivity in any print shop. Take away all the hassles in ganging jobs onto a single plate in any production environment.
Compose likes to take away all your miseries in production, offering you solutions that can increase productivity like GapFinder and BIB, bring savings by reducing your wastage. Please come and visit us in Print09, Chicago between 11-16 September.
If you are looking for a free entrance ticket please visit our Color blog at for registration.
First come, first serve. Only 500 tickets are available.